Architecture Drawing Prize, Lisbon, 2022
Category Winners & Finalists Announced
The Architecture Drawing prize was launched in 2017 by Make Architects , Sir John Soane’s Museum and the World Architecture Festival. The prize, sponsored by Iris Ceramica Group, was established to celebrate and showcase the art and skill of architectural drawing in three categories: hand-drawn, hybrid and digital.
This year, the prize has attracted 138 entries with a strong majority of hand-drawn entries. As in previous years, the submissions have come from architects, designers and students from around the world, attesting to the truly international nature of the Prize and the great skill and originality of entrants.
The Winner of the Hand-Drawn Category is The Spirit of Mountain’ by Weicheng Ye. Drawn with pencil, the exceptionally atmospheric work explores the relationship between the man-made and nature. The Architecture Drawing Prize Jury Chair and Director of the World Architecture Festival (WAF), Paul Finch, describes the work:
‘This is a drawing of great delicacy which highlights the difference between a tall-building aesthetic, and the possibility of disrupting it in a creative way via the insertion of nature as artistic intervention. A very worthy winner.’
The Hybrid Category winner is ‘Fitzroy Food Institute’ by Samuel Wen and Michael Ren. The drawing explores themes around Chinese culture, globalisation and automation. Ken Shuttleworth, founder of Make Architects and one of the eight Prize judges, comments:
“Fitzroy Food Institute stands out for its well-considered and subtle use of colour. It’s a very accessible drawing looking over a shared meal at a table; yet it is full of architectural interest featuring not only a plan, but sections and elevations as well as detail. A conceptually original and genuinely delightful entry.”
Anton Markus Pasing who was the Overall Winner of The Architecture Drawing Prize in 2019 was selected as Digital Category winner this year. His drawing ‘The Wall’ plays on ideas around the beginning, the end and the finite. Artists Ben Langlands and Nikki Bell who have been judges of The Architecture Drawing Prize since its inception in 2017 explain why Pasing’s approach to drawing impressed the jury again:
“The Wall fills the view with a golden elevation: expansive and richly complex, it appears both vertical and horizontal, before us and below us, a terrain of construction and sedimented accumulation. It is not a border or a barrier, it is a space itself, a place of habitation, a record of social interaction. The wall is like time, it is history in the making.”
The Hand-Drawn Category shortlist also included:
The Temple of Gaia by Giorgos Christophi.
Final Mexico Drawing by Ben Johnson.
Homage to Corb by Dustin Wheat.
The Hybrid Category shortlist also included:
The Stamper Battery by William du Toit.
Traversing Dreamscapes by Sean Seah.
The Digital Category shortlist also included:
The Minecraft Labyrinth – A Reclamation of Childhood by Eric Pham.
Mnemosyne by Meichen Duan
The Category Winners will be on display at the World Architecture Festival in Lisbon. The awards will presented at the Gala Dinner on 2 December, 2022.
The shortlisted drawings will be exhibited at Sir John Soane’s Museum in London from 8 February to 7 May 2o23, with the Overall Winner for 2022 announced at the Museum’s Architecture Drawing Prize exhibition preview.
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