The Past is Never Dead … 2019

Veras Voces Dos Artistas

Cotton Appliqué flag (pole at left side), featuring the plans of three Portuguese slave castles, Fortaleza de Sao Jorge da Mina, Elmina, Ghana, 1482 (left); Forte de Santo Antonio, Axim, Ghana, 1515 (centre); Forte de Sao Sebastiao, Shama, Ghana. 1525 (right). The earliest European built structures in Africa south of the Sahara. Commissioned for ‘Veras Voces Dos Artistas’ Seeing Artist’s Voices (Part 2). Curated by: Miguel von Hafe Perez for Saco Azul Cultural Association. Flags by artists installed on institutional buildings in Porto, Portugal, for 3 months from 18 October 2019.