Folkestone : Boulogne, A Blind Date
Video (DVD) colour, sound. 19 mins, 25secs.
The pub was empty except for a shrouded parrot cage in the corner. A stream of obscenities and wicked cackling giggles erupted in the half light. We asked the landlord about the parrot; “It’s a temporary guest…..belongs to a sea captain who’s gone into hospital for an operation.…swears so much, his wife won’t have it at home while he’s away…..she asked us if we would look after it… what are you doing here” he asked, “we’re making a film about Folkestone and Boulogne” we replied. “The parrot’s boat is moored in Folkestone, you should meet the captain when he gets out of hospital”. So the film began at sea between the two towns, 22 miles apart.
Edited by Richard Wilding
Commissioned for “Tales of Time & Space” Folkestone Triennial 2008
Curated by Andrea Schlieker